Refinery 29 has a fabulous photo collection of Stylin' 70-Year olds. Who says that fashion is just for teenagers? Look at these grand old dames! My favorite has to be Beatrix Ost, the woman in her brocade coat, emerald turban, and fishnet gloves. I hope I can look this colorfully elegant when I'm 70.
Mary's quote is wonderful " "A good pair of sunglasses is better than a facelift. It hides the ravages of time and lets you spy on people."
Whenever I get nervous about getting older, I turn to Helen Mirren for inspiration. She is always elegant, always radiant, and always age appropriate. See her here, looking fabulous as ever on a scooter.
Here is a feature on Carmen Dell'Orefice, 80 years old and one of the hottest-ticket models out there. Stunning. Absolutely stunning. As much as I value the young models I work on, it also does my heart good to see an older model completely owning the runway and fashion spreads. There is a depth of character that cannot be faked, and that shows in the resulting work.
For more inspiration, I recommend visiting Judith at the Style Crone.
While exploring these sites, I am struck by how unique each of these women are, even more so than their younger counterparts in fashion. These ladies all teach us that aging is simply an opportunity to know yourself on a deeper level, and a chance to refine your personal style in fashion and in life.
Bring on my next birthday. I'm ready.
oh these women are such a great inspiration. At a young age also we are so scared to take risks and experiment with our looks, while these ladies do it with so much poise and confidence.